The Filmmaker – David Vaisbord

David Vaisbord’s film career has included award winning documentaries such as Mischa 1996 (Canada Council/NFB/CBC), Juicy Danger Meets Burning Man 1998 (CTV/TVO/BRAVO!), Britannia Beach 2002 (CTV,TVO, CBC) Drawing Out the Demons: A Film About the Artist, Attila Richard Lukacs 2004 (BRAVO!/TVO), Dark Pines: An Investigation into the Death of Tom Thomson 2006 (BRAVO!) and work in factual TV including directing Driver’s Seat and Ghost Towns: Faded Dreams of Canada. Vaisbord maintains academic connections with UBC’s SCARP’s School of Community and Regional Planning.

You can watch clips from many of my films here:

David Vaisbord’s Filmmaking Reel from David Vaisbord on Vimeo.

Vaisbord is currently completing a documentary feature/3-part series titled THE HOUSING GAME ( formerly titled: Champions of Little Mountain).  Launched in 2008, this documentary series puts into human terms the destruction of fragile low-income housing communities, under the policies of Neo-Liberal government agendas. THE HOUSING GAME is currently in post production. For background information read POV Magazine’s feature on the Little Mountain Project. For up to date information on the release visit the website:

From 2013 to 2019 Vaisbord sat on the board of DOC National’s Executive board as Treasurer (DOC = the Documentary Organization of Canada), and was both the Chair of DOC BC, and board member of the Hot Docs Film Festival.

David Vaisbord and Little Mountain community advocate, Ned Jacobs (whose mother, Jane Jacobs knew a thing or two about The Death and Life of Great American Cities)

Vancouver filmmaker focuses lens on Little Mountain

I am a filmmaker and community advocate, with finely honed digital media skills, years of award-winning documentary film work and academic teaching experience.  My passions lie in community engagement and participation, the arts, environment, urban planning and social justice.

David Vaisbord and Red1 at Little Mountain

David Vaisbord and Hip Hop Artist Red1 discuss the last row house at Little Mountain

I am available to take on new projects and challenges across ever expanding transmedia platforms.

Please contact me for if you are interested in talking about digital media, community engagement, and getting your message out. CV and references from clients available upon request. – Saving images of the past On screen – 24 Oct 2012 – Page #47



I am also available to lead talks on The Six Block Documentary and the Hyperlocal Documentary, which describe the formation of The Little Mountain Project. Over the past several years I have given this talk to students at Langara College, the Richmond International Film and Media Arts Festival, and at international housing conferences.


MORE about Vaisbord

David Vaisbord is an outstanding communicator able to manage small agile teams to more complex corporate projects. Dynamic, creative producer, resourceful and innovative producing award-winning work with creative resourcing and budgets.


·       Motivating Leadership·       Film Director | producer

·       Educator | Mentor

·       Proposal | Creative Writing

·       Fund Raising |Crowdfunding

·       Community engagement expert·       Social Media strategy + content

·       Picture | Sound Editor

·       Online Journalist | videographer

·       Photoshop | WordPress



 Film Director | Producer | Executive Board member of 3 Canadian organizations

  • Extensive experience leading people and organizations to meaningful goals whether workshops for film professionals or a successful film shoots.
  • Creative and critical thinker able to strategize, plan, produce and deliver projects on time and on budget
  • Strong and effective team leader able to mobilize teams and crews
  • Seasoned editor including off-line digital film, sound, photography, content

Media Strategist | Publicist | Marketing | Community engagement

  • Extensive connections in radio, television and print media, and government, across Canada through documentary film productions and board affiliation with the Documentary Organization of Canada.
  • Able to plan, prioritize and launch an effective media campaign garnering public interest and success in social media, viewership, revenue
  • Adept at tracking and managing project analytics using a variety of tools

Proposal Writing | Funding | Crowd Sourcing

  • Persuasive writer and negotiator, able to grasp and plan complex proposals to seek funding with accountability and confidence

Management Skills

  • Six years experience as board, treasurer, secretary and chair of provincial and national documentary filmmakers associations (Documentary Organization of Canada DOC/DOC BC/HOT DOCS film festival)
  • Experienced educator and group facilitator equally adept at leading small classrooms as large public speaking engagements
  • Critical planning and project management skills able to delegate and supervise a variety of team sizes and complexity
  • Exemplary time management skills working under pressure on complex projects with multi-faceted goals and deliverables


Master of Applied Arts – Media Arts May 2012

Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Vancouver, British Columbia

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) – Media Arts May 1988

Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design, Vancouver, British Columbia

Bachelor of Arts   May 1983

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia

David Vaisbord – BA/BFA/MAA
Director, Educator, Producer, Writer
The Little Mountain Project

Driver’s Seat and Ghost Towns: Faded Dreams of Canada.  Vaisbord maintains academic connections with UBC’s SCARP’s School of Community and Regional Planning.

Project. For up to date information on the release visit the website:


3 thoughts on “The Filmmaker – David Vaisbord

  1. I grew up not far from the “project” 1953 on. My father built them. He also built all the houses on James st. that he created by carving it out between Quebec and Ontario starting across the street from the projects 33rd down to about 26 th. James Walk that wound it’s way through the projects was named for his family. He stopped building in the late fifties and his legacy was thousands of homes through out Vancouver starting with his father back in 1909. Sad to say that along with Little Mountain much of what he built is gone.

  2. I lived in little mountain from 1953 1968 then moved to Culloden court till I was married in 1972. My parents continued to live a culloden court till my dads death them my mom moved to the b.c. housing licated at #2 and Blundell in richmont till her death.. I have returned to the 33rd and Main area and was surprised to see the demolition to the project. In my opion the remaining row housed need to be brought back to their former glory as they were in the 1950’s when they were built. These homes represent a last reminder of what our youth was like . Growing up with the stigma a being a project kid and keeping this dirty little secret has shaped so many young people. I always avoided any conversation about where I grew up my whole life, it is only now as a 60 year old adult that I can now face the stigma with my head held high and not be ashamed of what I am , a strong confident individual that too came from living in the projects.. I thank you for reading my note..
    Pat Carter-Kessler

  3. Pingback: ECUAD | David Vaisbord, 2012 Recipient of the Farris Award for Art & Social Media | diane farris gallery

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