

If you would like to do something about the lack of progress at the former Little Mountain Housing site, then join us at the corner of 33rd Ave. and Ontario at 11am on Saturday, November 30 to mark the date ten years ago that the public housing site was demolished. Vancouver residents will rally next to the former Little Mountain Housing site to call on the government to take back Little Mountain and sign a petition to the premier.

Read and Sign the Petition: http://www.takebackthemountain.com

In 2009 BC Housing reduces Little Mountain Housing to twisted wreckage.

“Everyone knows that this project has been a failure,” said Community Advocates for Little Mountain spokesperson David Chudnovsky, 

“It’s been 12 years since residents were pushed out of their homes and ten years since those homes were demolished.  In the midst of a housing crisis the site is still a gigantic 15 acre vacant lot.  Vancouver residents can no longer tolerate this incredible waste.  It’s time for the provincial government to #Take Back The Mountain.”

Allan Buium, Riley Park South Cambie Vision Committee Chair added,

 “Our community needs social housing, affordable rental, co-ops and co-housing.  We need to start over with a project that actually deals with the affordable housing crisis.”

Organizers are asking the people of Vancouver to join us at the rally at the Little Mountain site, sign the petition, and take part in the social media photography campaign.

WHERE:  Little Mountain Social Housing site – corner of 33rd Ave. and Ontario St.  (near Riley Park Farmers Market)

WHEN: Saturday, November 30, 11 AM.

CONTACT: David Chudnovsky – 604 874 1089 or 604 329 1734 davidchudnovsky@gmail.com

Norm Dooley – 604-327-3745  norm.dooley@gmail.com

Montage Photo: Residents, neighbours and the press attend a protest at Little Mountain Housing in 2008 to stop the premature demolition of a low income community.

Read and Sign the Petition: http://www.takebackthemountain.com

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Have you heard me talk recently on CBC or CITR radio?

If you heard me talk recently on CBC or CITR and want to know more about the release date of my feature documentary Champions of Little Mountain follow me on facebook and twitter!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.vaisbord

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/davidvaisbord?lang=en

I’ll be launching one final CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN this year.  Multi-year documentary films are impossible to make without support from individuals who care about getting Canadian stories out to Canadian audiences.

Previous trailers for a 2014 crowdfunding campaign can be found on Vimeo.


So what’s new? Here’s what’s new and predictable from a billionaire developer and his friends in the BC Liberal government who flattened a low income community in 2008 because they “had a plan” and were “ready to build”.

Holborn Holdings erects their new sign. Clearly Holborn is "holding" Little Mountain. The company touted "phased construction" as soon as everything on the site was demolished, but one building is nowhere near a phase...

Holborn Holdings erects their new sign.  Holborn makes an application for the development of  ONE new building – 10 years late.  Holborn plans to build an upscale Sales Centre on the corner of 33rd and Ontario, years ahead of replacing the social housing they destroyed in 2008.  Meanwhile the BC Taxpayer spends millions to build new modular social housing on Holborn’s disused site.  Where is the full social housing replacement that Holborn promised 10 years ago?  Who is Holborn?  Answer:  Joo Kim Tiah.  Where is he?  Presumably enjoying the view of Vancouver from the penthouse of his Trump Tower.


Regrettably yours,

David Vaisbord



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